Jubilee Plantation, nr Cherhill, Wiltshire. Reported 15th August.

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Updated  Wednesday 21st March 2012


15/08/11 16/08/11 16/08/11 15/08/11 21/03/12 19/08/11

Jubilee Plantation of August 15, 2011 showed images of a “five dimensional cube” and “diffracted waves”, which only became news two months later, with the awarding of a Nobel Prize in Chemistry on October 5, 2011 for the discovery of quasicrystals  

The last crop picture of 2011 appeared on August 15 at Jubilee Plantation in southern England, not far from the Cherhill White Horse (see jubilee). It was originally interpreted in terms of a five-dimensional cube or penteract, and how five-dimensional geometry might relate to a “theory of everything” from subatomic physics (see comments or jubilee).  

That subject was very much in the news at the time. Researchers from CERN were searching for a Higgs boson, while certain theories of particle physics involve E8 symmetry, which may project into the plane as a five-dimensional cube (see theory of everything or WATCH or WATCH).  

Sometimes however, modern crop pictures refer to an event which still lies in our future, relative to when the crop picture appeared. This would seem to be the case for Jubilee Plantation of August 15, 2011. Approximately two months after it appeared in a field in southern England, several images from that crop picture became worldwide news, as part of the 2011 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.  

A Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to Dan Shechtman on October 5, 2011 for the discovery of “quasicrystals”. Twenty years earlier, Shechtman had measured anomalous patterns of electron diffraction from the crystals of certain metal alloys. His diffraction patterns showed five or ten-fold symmetry, while his crystals looked like a series of external pentagons or dodecahedra (see Quasi crystal or E8-5Cube):  

Such a result was thought to be impossible at the time. Real crystals (it was presumed) could only show symmetries of two, three, four or six (but not five). Shechtman lost his job when Linus Pauling, an icon of crystallography, accused him of “talking nonsense”. Pauling even delivered a personal insult: “There is no such thing as quasi-crystals, only quasi-scientists” (see www.i-sis.org.uk).  

Further research over the next twenty years bore out Shechtman’s original conclusions. On October 5, 2011 he was awarded a well-deserved Nobel Prize for Chemistry (see www.nobelprize.org or www.nobelprize.org).  

Strangely enough, two months before news of that Nobel Prize became public, a complex and accurately drawn crop picture appeared at Jubilee Plantation on August 15, 2011. Not only did it show the image of a five-dimensional cube in projection, to represent Shechtman’s anomalous diffraction pattern, but also it showed hundreds of small “diffracted waves” around the outside:  

When we lay the projection of a five-dimensional cube across each kind of image, we find a good fit to the crop picture, and also to an electron diffraction pattern of the quasicrystal:   

Next when we look at any “diffracted wave” in close detail, we can see a linear combination of sine and cosine components. Those appear just as expected for diffraction by a single crystal, which is usually described in terms of a Fourier transform:  

The outer ring of that crop picture showed literally hundreds of such “waves”: far too many for local fakers to have made using rope and boards, even by the most favourable estimate of their abilities (see groundshots).  

What can we conclude from this analysis? Primarily that some unknown “crop artist” was able to view future events on Earth, two months before they occurred, and draw a highly scientific crop picture at Jubilee Plantation on August 15, 2011 to demonstrate his abilities. Time travel or time messaging has been a fundamental aspect of modern crop pictures, ever since the phenomenon began in earnest in 1990.  

One week earlier on August 7, 2011, another highly scientific crop picture appeared at Temple Farm in southern England. It showed a date of 07-08-2011 (or 2012) in ternary code, along with symbols for the ATLAS detector at CERN, and rays from a particle-to-particle collision (see comments or articles).  

When writing about Shechtman’s research, the Guardian newspaper commented: “Keeping an open mind, and daring to question established knowledge, may be a scientist’s most important character traits” (see www.guardian.co.uk). Yes, we can all agree with those sentiments! If only such reporters and scientists would now keep an open mind regarding UFOs and crop circles, they might learn something.  

“You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. You can have it all laid out in front of you, but it still don’t make you think”---George Harrison 

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew, Caltech 1976-81, MRC LMB Cambridge 1982-86, CSIRO Australia 1987-2010, first x-ray crystal structures of left-handed and right-handed DNA)  

P.S. We would like to thank Julian Gibsone and Karen Alexander for help.



Isn't that a justice sign? A decagram or ten sided geometrical figure, presenting two pentagons overlapped or two five pointed stars, as in a Venus counting: two stars of this kind or two full cycles (twice 584 X 5), usually meaning 2920 X 2, or 5840 days. 

Now, see the symbol next to the outer kind of, something different, pentagonal spiral. That symbol has a middle point on its centre, besides a key mark in the half of one of the sides, probably meaning 'try not 584 but 584/2 or 292'.  So, the Venus count and pentagons remain but the middle point -circle in the sign- clearly changes to August 18th 2007 for a full count of 2920 days in total, or 1460 days from August 18th 2003 to August 18th 2007 and the same from there to the imminent August 18th 2011. Plausibly.

About the richly intricately relations referred in the crop circle.  W'dell, yesterday, reviewing the 1997 Etchillhampton CC just recalled (and reported on July 30th 1997), after the very easy part to read that could be…:

In 260 days you may note the half point from there to 21 December 2012...
Or, in other words, adding 260 days to July 30 1997 we get April 16 1998; between this last date and December 21st 2012 there are 5363 days, the half of it is 2681 days, being that half point: August 18th 2005.

30JUL97 + 260 : 16APR98
                            16APR98 + 2681 = AUG1805
                                                            AUG1805 + 2681 = 21DEC12
(n.b. In the 780 grid, there are 3 sets of 260, one of them in one side of the tramline bisection of the figure as noted before by other interpreters)

Then we'd get a notable richness in mathematical and astronomical relations dealing with that panoramic. Our point, obviously, is not to propose now and here an interpretation about that other 1997 crop circle.  But let me add that one of the most interesting aspects there is that the date of the crop circle itself, permits to conjugate both a 260 count, as explained before, and Venus.  Especially, among others, thanks to the number 146, very important for the Maya.  (From the day of apparition of that CC, 30JUL97 to 18AUG05, i.e. 2940 days in between, there are 146 'twenties' plus 1 another, so is visible the particle 146 as we know the usual 2920 Venus count).  Precisely 146, relates both figures, the grid and Venus, as 146 X 4 is 584 and there are 24 times 146 in 3,504 (584 X 6), etc.  If richly present in Mayan calculations (vg. 65 X 584= 104 X 365= 146 X 260), then the multiple, maybe didactical and surely predicting frame built becomes as rich in relations as now we see the complex symmetry of this Jubilee Plantation CC, as if it were a relationship with the previous approaches.  Finally, evidently Venus is involved in many senses, but this isn't all about Venus itself but instead over Our archetypal History developing and being referred. So, there is a big story behind which relates a lot of civilizations, symbols, numbers, etc.  But ONE still unknown meaning to be fully understood, we hope.

PS: Analyzing today, Aug 16, the recalled Silverstone Racecourse crop circle (which has the same symbol as in yesterday's reported Jubilee Plantation CC), we may see that it is also possible to apply the proposed approach just for one of the two sides of the symbols or one of the 2920 days Venus stars, and not for the other one.  In that case, we'd obtain (2920 + '2920/2 or 1460': 4380), and counting backward that number of days from the day of Jubilee Plantation CC report (August 15th 2011) we'd get exactly the date of the alignment, August 18th 1999.  By the way, don't miss the middle point for this 12 years period.

Iván Castillo Méndez


Artwork by WJ

I do not think it a coincidence that this crop circle of the “Eve’s Grid” appears on the Roman Catholic feast day of the Assumption of Mary, our Queen of Peace. (Aug. 15th) This feast day is also celebrated in the Eastern Rite Churches as Dormition of the Theotokos, celebrating the triple feminine energies coming to our planet. ( For the celebrants in the Julian calendar, it is on Aug. 28th.)

I think we should take the name “Jubilee Plantation” into account as well. It is both a day of celebration and an occasion of repentance in the Roman Catholic Church.


Jubilee Plantation: Addendum

One of the titles of the Phoenix (also Heron & Bennu) was Lord of the Jubilees.

“The Book of Jubilees”: God’s revelation to Moses on Mt. Sinai.



JOSEF code

written by Varda D Sarnat

Decagram, a 10-pointed star, is two 5 pointed stars overlaying each other in reverse directions.


The photo above, of 5 points star is the pentagram of Venus. It shows Venus’ nearest points to earth, when Venus is between earth and the sun, and seen crossing the sun. This happens once every 584 earth days. And every 8 earth years, Venus completes such imaginary pentagram in the sky.

Venus orbits the sun every 225 earth days and it gets closest to earth every 2.5 Venus’ years …in other words, every 584 earth days. Today August 2011, Venus is in opposition (furthest from earth, on the other side of the sun) but in about 292 days it’ll be closest to earth again…in 10 months or so. (Perhaps around December 2012)

The golden ratio is visible in any pentagram, as well as throughout this decagram as seen in crop circle, above. Take a circle, radios =1000 (here, scaled 1:10) check ratios between the decagram web lines: 146, 236, 382, 618, 1000, 1618... This “divine proportion” occurs when you “take a line (say 100 long) divide it into 2 parts in such a way that the big part relates to the small part, in the same ratio that the whole line relates to the big part” there’s only one option: 100 = 38.2 + 61.8

The golden ratio rules this decagram:  100 = 38.2 + 61.8       100 + 61.8 = 161.8 …and more values, below

Draw a decagram continuously without lifting the pen, it takes 3 rounds to complete, start with: 1, 4, 7, 10, 3, 6, 9, 2, 5, and 8.

There are 10 inner triangles (see one of them above, center) each has inner angle of 36 dgs and 2 side angles of 72 dgs.

There are four possible angles in this 10 points star (see below):  36, 72, 108 and 144 degrees

These sacred numbers have Hebrew meanings, some readers will recognize 72 names, 108 =chetzi, chok or, 144 = Kedem

There are 7 inner circles (see below) connecting all 70 inner points, and it is worth checking the ratio and radios of previous years’ crop circles in order to see if they emerge from the same Decagram. (Circles with such ratios seem very familiar)

Can this be a reference map, scaled for ten Sephirot, usually drawn as circle within a circle? The higher the sphere the more circles it surrounds. For instance, first sphere “Keter” (crown) is the outermost circle, containing all 9 spheres inside. Or, the 5th sphere “Gevura” (courage) surrounds 6th Tiferet, 7th Netzach, 8th Hod, 9th Yesod and 10th Malchut. But the same 5th sephira is surrounded by 4 previous sephirot. Whatever it means, Number 7 is emphasized here. The 7th sephia is NETZACH = P  shach

This crop circle, reminds me of nearly everything I can think of.

The main number 10 = Yod =first letter of the holly name of God (10 sephirot, 10 commandments 5+5, decimal system) Half 10 (Yod) is 5= Hey (5 outer circles) already a resonance of the divine name “yod + Hey” as a full name 7 inner circles connecting 70 cross points = 70 languages, 70 in Hebrew= letter Aain (meaning EYE)  numerology of the word “seventy” sums to CTAV = (meaning WRITING) indeed 70 languages, 70 writings.

And there’s more, like the golden ration…. values such as 72 (mentioned in previous articles) and 144 = KEDEM, and 108 = Chetzy = half… this 10 web is a language, in my case there are Hebrew meanings to such values and numbers.

I read the side signature as the name of Josef (who lived in Egypt, from the age of 17 and died there 110 y old) but, if you recall his dreams, you should also recall this:

And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying: ‘God will surely remember you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.’

Perhaps metaphorically, Josef bones are being lifted again… at least I see the letters of his name… J …O…F (9th sephira=Yesod)

Nature writes in English rather than Hebrew, lately…that’s for sure. Josef, even as a name, connects Christianity to the Hebrew bible, according to their holly books. All protagonists’ names in NT are taken from the Hebrew Bible, thousand years after the original events… Josef, Miriam, etc, have nothing to do with God’s Promised Land, but with Jacob’s sons’ history in Egypt. J O F

This signature combines Hebrew with English, since the missing letter S from Josef is actually there, in Hebrew it looks like o (samech) o = s

Josef represents the 9th sephira called Yesod.

The Cherhill Stargate geometry crop circle formation August 15. Triggered off my memory. (off world memory). I intuitively knew what it was and over the last few days research has confirmed it as correct. This YouTube video explains what I remember. 

www.youtube.com & www.youtube.com

For me personally this is the most important formation of the year. Also the signature is that of the star formations we had back in the 1990s I think it was 1998. 

There was a lot of squaring the circle geometry. Plus some nice Star 5 symmetry formations. 

 Graham the chap in the video explains it very well. His other video on the Golden Rhombus and triacontahedron geometry is also very good. I will send the link for that too. 

Dr Ian C Baillie 


Artwork by WJ

Decoding of the pictogram 15 August 2011 Jubilee Plantation, nr Cherhill, Wiltshire, England 

©Victoria Popova, Lidia Andrianova 

We are Victoria Popova Dr.Sc., Ph.D. and Lidia Andrianova Ph.D. – two women-scientists from Russia. During 15 years through channeling we received information and two keys analog and digital for decoding of extraterrestrial civilizations (ETC) pictograms. We decoded thousands of ETC pictograms scattered all over the world and composed the dictionary of ETC symbols of consciousness for over 250 symbols.  Now everyone can read and understand messages of ETC. 

ETC are long ago on Earth. During many millennia ETC created around the world many objects-pictograms with the same symbolic and the identical information technology unknown to humanity. These objects form the System of Information Transmission (SIT) which covered the whole world. 

All ETC pictograms are classified into two groups of information: acquaint and emergency. Objects with acquaint information ETC created in stone in order to save for long time, sometimes for millennia. Among objects with ETC acquaint information are: Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, Chichen-Itza, Chavin de Huantar, Chachapoyas, Cuzco, the Nazca Lines, the great pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, moai of Easter Island, Mexican pyramids the Moon and the Sun and many others. ETC transfer information about the program of humanity consciousness development on Earth, in solar system and in universe. 

The emergency information ETC transfer through crop circles. The purpose of ETC is to warn humanity about the beginning of global cataclysms and three preliminary cataclysms shortly before them and to give us instructions for continuation of life.  

Detailed information of this pictogram is presented in our article in Crop Circle Connector. 

Crop circle points on extremely wide border of our individual information cells. This means great difficulty of forming the united consciousness cell of Earth civilization. However, ETC inform about immediately necessity to form the unified consciousness of civilization for the Transition, since soon beginning of global cataclysms associated with the critical weakening of Earth's magnetic field. 


Multi-level five-pointed stars within a cell indicate the need for unification of consciousness of civilization. Unified consciousness corresponds to the highest fifth level. 

In the previous crop circle July 25, 2011 Wiltshire ETC also paid attention to the wide border of our individual cells. 


The necessity of consciousness unification ETC show in five crescents, reminding a turban. 


Today is unusual situation – very short period of time before the global cataclysm beginning. The date of start up this event is known as the end of Mayan calendar – the ETC calendar! 


ETC just they give us a date because the beginning of all these events – three pre-cataclysms and the global are caused artificially. By creating certain regularity of cataclysms beginning ETC are saving life of our civilization. More detailed and additional information is presented in our website www.ourtransition.info   So, all these events will start up in chosen day and hour. 

Consequently, the time to make our decision about the Transition is left less and less. This is the time between the end of the first pre-cataclysm and before the second. The first pre-cataclysm, as understood ETC, should be necessarily required – now a lot of people do not want to change anything. Nobody knows the power of approaching natural phenomena. 


The main blow of the first pre-cataclysm will be directed to the eastern coast of North America 

People think that somehow someone can escape. Of course, not everybody, but some people can be saved. However, ETC say strongly - NO! In the global cataclysms may survive only entire civilization, making the Transition to the next level of the material world in harmony of Earth through the united consciousness. We'll prolong our life, but our body will be not as dense as it is now but holographic. That's all what required! 

In order to demonstrate the power of natural phenomena, which will start everywhere of Earth, ETC have to start up the first pre-cataclysm. This, of course, is very sad for them because of huge people’s losses in a few minutes. But there is no other way. Otherwise the global cataclysm beginning will perish all civilization of Earth during a few minutes. ETC have no choice. But we have!

So, please, help as soon as possible spread info about scenario of global cataclysms beginning as widely as you can.  The main idea of coming events scenario: before global cataclysms three preliminary cataclysms will happen. This is due to the fact that the first pre-cataclysm would destroy the system of communication – telephone and Internet. Restore it will not be easy and we lose a lot of time. So, not informed part of civilization would not understand what happened and for a long time will live in chaos, the consequences of which will undoubtedly be very sad – suicide and much more. It is necessary to foresee it. 

That is why the ETC can not start the first pre-cataclysm before the whole civilization will not be informed about the events. But the date of global cataclysms beginning is already determined! 

After that date, an extremely low value of the magnetic field will no longer be under power of ETC united consciousness. So, global cataclysms will begin. 

We have to spread info about the scenario of global cataclysms beginning! 

We need to make the Transition in time, despite the breakage of communication. We have extremely short time - just a few months, and an enormous amount of work. Extraterrestrials inform that for the Transition humanity’ consciousness has to cause a laser beam. A laser beam can cause only uniform resonant medium of civilization’ consciousness. And it is very difficult to realize. 


It is necessary to carry out repeated attempts, first by country, then by continent, and then we have to unite consciousness of all civilization. It will be required very long and laborious work of all people of Earth, as uniform community. Be very long and laborious work once all the people of Earth as a unified community. 

We have to do everything to spread widely this warning information to all people of Earth. And the earlier we will make it, the more time remains for all civilization’ trainings and Transition. 

Additional information is on our decoding pictograms of the 2010 crop circle season on Crop Circle Connector at www.cropcircleconnector.com and also on our website: www.ourtransition.info  e-mail: alidia8@yahoo.com 

The “Jubilee Plantation, nr Cherhill, Wiltshire, England” Crop Circle.

Note: Translated words and coded shapes like the ‘Jubilee Crop Circle’ indicate unusual relationships between the character positions in the word(s) being translated and result of the translation.


    God (UFO/ET) talks to us through the ET Corn Gods language translation of words.


    Words and groups of words are like computer programs which explode into a family of predetermined meanings.


    The Crop Circles are presented by “GOD” to introduce the world to the ET Corn Gods language/game.   


Lee = le 5, element 5, backwards, B, 2, 02, backwards = “20”, book Pr.

P is 16, book Ne. Ne + 66+66 = ble


Jubilee = “JU bible R”

Ju = 10u, 1.

Ju = 1021, 31, vi, 6, “bible”. (6+66 = 72, backwards is 27, book Da, 41, Mk, backwards is Km, b+I m. m+66+66 .. = “Ble”)

R is Job, X ca, 6 ca.

6 = “Bible” from above.

Ca is 31, 2+29, “229”, “Vi”, “6”, “Bible”.


Jubilee = “Bible Bible Bible Bible”.

Translation of the Crop Circle Graphics:

The Crop Circle is a representation of “H8 Symmetry”.

Note the Symmetry of the symbol off to the side of the Jubilee Circle, and the “Symmetry” of the translation of the word “Jubilee”. 


E8 is 58, 58+66+66 .. = “ET”.

E is five, 9-6 ode. (V+66+66 .. = “OD”)

8+66 = “GD”, “GOD”. (add “0”)

E is 5, book “DT”, 500 T, “ET”. (Drop “00″)

Therefore: E8 = “ET”.

E8 = “Code GOD”.

E8 = “ET ET”. 


S is s+66+66 … = “Acts”, book ‘M”.

Y is 25, New Testament 5, book “ac”, “M”.

Et is Te, backwards, age, (T is 20, 2 15, 2o, 2+15, 17).

Age = a ge-66 = ai, “S”.

Y is 25, new testament 5, book Acts = S. (act-66-66-66 … = “0”, drop it).

E is five, I-f ode, code. (f-I = 3, c. v+66+66 .. = “od”)


Tr = 20+18, “38”, “D”.

D+25 = “29”, 29+66 = “I.e.”

Ry is 18y, “one eighty”, “RO”.

18+66+66 … = “216”, “UF”

Therefore: Symmetry = “MM MM code try”.

Symmetry = “MM MM code i.e.”.

Symmetry = “MM MM ET UFO”. 

M is book 44, 4+66 = “70”, “GO”.

ET UFO = “ET U vi O” = “TEoiv” = “GOD”. (Te-66-66 … = “G”. iv = “4″, “d”).

Therefore: Symmetry = “GOD GOD GOD GOD ET UFO”.

Symmetry = “GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD”. 

But, M is 13, book “1 Ch”, “AN”. (Ch = C 08, “80″. 80-66 = “14″, backwards is 41, book Mk, backwards is Km, “Bible” — see above.

God = “74″, 74-66 = “08″, backwards is 80, 80-66 = 14,… “Bible”.

Therefore: Symmetry = “Bible Bible Bible Bible Bible” 


6 is vi, 229, 2+29, 31, 20+11, “2011″.

6+66 = 72, backwards is 27, book Da, backwards is “AD”.

Therefore: 66 = “2011 AD”.

Symmetry = “2011 AD, 2011 Ad” 

Note: This Crop Circle and the above translations were meant to train the reader about the ET Corn Gods language and Game and the “Symmetry” thereof. 

Visit: www.ETCornGods.com and www.ufoetblog.com

Looking at the pictogram trying to think, not as an earthling, but as a being whose home is the entire universe. I think the creator of crop circles is not really interested in our „small“ pointless wars. Here it is probably about the long term survival of the human species itself. Life in the form which originated on Earth, maybe isn't usual in the universe. Thanks to these specific conditions, we are prisoners to their planet. 

On the crop circle connector site this crop circle is generally accepted as a symbol for the planet Venus. Along the perimeter of the inner circle is the hem of interlaced wavy lines. It reminds me images in the astronomical yearbooks. They are showing the position of planets moons in the way they are observable from Earth. But Venus has no natural satellites. 

That's why we could also think about artificial satellites. In these days the Russians have published the first pictures of their commercial space station (CSS), which is circling the Earth's orbit at an altitude of 350 km above the Earth. The first visitors are coming there in 2016. Creators of crop circles certainly know our technical capabilities and and remind us that it is necessary to go further and colonize other planets of the solar system. Throughout our solar system there are the optimal conditions for a long stay

of earthlings in space just on the orbit of Venus at an altitude of 50 km above its surface. There could be some earthly residential stations circling in the living conditions similar to the conditions that exist on the surface of the Earth. The perimeter ring with thin lines may display a rapidly rotating atmosphere of Venus.

More interesting information about this topic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonization_of_Venus 
Zdenka Pávková

Multidimensional Embodiment of Phi...

Golden Decagon

The central figure is known colloquially as a “golden decagon.” The term was popularized by a retired plastic surgeon, Dr. Stephen Marquardt, who used it to map the face into a “golden mask,” intended to represent the perfect face. Some of the line segments of the golden decagon are noticeably missing from the crop circle, which takes on a more cubic appearance as a result (i.e., a 5-D cube).

    Golden Decagon             Jubilee Plantation Decagon

Mathematical observations

Any regular decagon inscribed in a circle has the property that the ratio of the circle radius to the decagon side is the golden ratio. In simple mathematical terms:

r/s = ɸ

In addition to the outermost decagon, there are also two more nested decagons (or decagrams, depending on how you look at it…). The resulting diagram produces an array of golden triangles and golden gnomons of different sizes.

The golden (“sublime”) triangle is the (acute) isosceles triangle whose ratio of side to base lengths is given by ɸ. The golden triangle is the only triangle to have its three angles in 2:2:1 proportion. It is the basis for a pentagram, and has been studied for at least a few thousand years.

The golden gnomon is the (obtuse) isosceles triangle whose ratio of side to base lengths is given by 1/ɸ. This triangle is referred to by some as the obtuse golden triangle, which isn’t technically correct, but perhaps easier to understand than “gnomon.” The golden gnomon has its three angles in 1:1:2 proportion.

Together these triangles can be used as building blocks for Penrose tilings. Very simple building blocks such as these two triangles can be used to create mathematically complex, visually stunning patterns. Either base angle of a golden triangle can be bisected to produce a golden triangle and a golden gnomon. The same is true for a golden gnomon. We can see this division repeatedly in the Jubilee Plantation crop circle.

Isolating 1/10th of the decagon pie, some really interesting patterns emerge.

It has already been noted that AE/AF = ɸ. What may not be so obvious is that BC = DE, and the following is also true:

AB/BC = BC/CD = DE/CD = ɸ.

The nested decagrams shown in this crop circle create an entire series of nested golden triangles. It’s mathematically very beautiful, and I suspect it is also very

The structure also suggests a whirling of golden triangles, which results in a logarithmic spiral.

Similarities to other structures…

1. As pointed out by Red Collie, there are very strong Venus connections to this circle. If it is a message from Quetzalcoatl, is he trying to tell us something about Venus, something about the nature of reality, or simply that he plans to return?

2. 5D cube called a Penteract… Again, possibly related to the orbit of Venus, which make sense given the timing of the circle (to coincide with the superior conjunction of Venus). I get the sense, however, that the nested cubes we are seeing in CCs may be telling us something about the dimensionality of our space…

3. A cross-sectional view from the top of the DNA double helix forms a decagon. As already noted, the thick ring of the CC contains a zig-zag pattern that resembles a double-helix. Perhaps the CC is telling us something about DNA encoding.

4. The Golden Mask that Dr. Stephen Marquardt proposed to represent the perfect face provides another biological link to this diagram


5. I thought initially there might be a connection to East and West Kennett from earlier this year, but I have not found any mathematical link (yet). There are 7 circles defined by the intersection points in the Jubilee diagram. The circles become closer together as you approach the center, giving the illusion of a circular pyramid (aka cone), which reminds me of Silbury Hill. This is the center diagram in red below. The Jubilee diagram on the left shows the result of only taking the circles defined by intersections along radial lines.


Jubilee – main circles       Jubilee – all circles     East/West Kennett

The outer spirals and thick ring with the zigzag pattern aren’t shown here, but also add to the illusion of being drawn upward from the earth.

6. It is already been noted by Red Collie that this CC may represent a projected image from the E8 Lie group. As a mathematician, I would describe both the Jubilee CC and the E8 group as “multidimensional embodiments of the Golden Ratio.” The E8 root group is shown here.

The intricate mathematics are being produced and organized by the Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations, which is interesting to me given that the ATLAS experiment logo from CERN also appeared in a CC about a week before this one. Perhaps the circle makers are telling us they’ve already given or will give us a map!

I looked into Garrett Lisi’s E8 theory of everything, and its biggest flaw is probably the starting point. I believe that gravity is not a fundamental force, but an emergent one as postulated by Dutch theoretical physicist Erik Verlinde. Lisi has found some interesting connections between quantum mechanics and the E8 group, however, which could be hinting at the shape of the fabric of space.
In my opinion, the best candidate for a “theory of everything” is Milo Wolff’s Wave Structure of Matter model, which is a description of how waves in quantum space form all the matter of the Universe. This one, simple, elegant explanation for the rise of matter cannot be ignored, because it answers some of the big questions that have baffled physicists, like WHY gravity exists. We have been taught to believe that particles are the “stuff,” and that space is empty, but what if the opposite were true…? What if space is a rigid, multidimensional fabric, and discrete particles are really just wave centres that move through this fabric? I’m starting to think that this is the case, and that standing wave patterns, vibration, and even sound play a huge role in the illusion we call “matter.”

Which brings me full circle back to this CC, and what it means to me… I have been plagued with insomnia most of my
life, and part of the problem has always been that when I close my eyes and relax, I am flooded with images. The images are mostly geometric in nature, complex, and usually rotating or moving in some way (lots of cubes within cubes, spirals, and Mandela-like patterns). I’ve never been able to understand or reproduce the images because of the multidimensional aspect and complexity of what I was shown… but that may be changing…
Jubilee Plantation is a pattern that I am intimately familiar with. I have seen this before, many times over the last 25 years, from many different angles. It may be the E8 Lie group that my subconscious has been immersing me in (or a 5-D space?), but I need to learn more about it to know for sure. Regardless, my conclusion is that if space is rigid and has an internal structure, that structure would be based on the golden ratio, and probably look a lot like the Jubilee 2D projection, or the E8 group, both of which have a beautiful crystalline structure rooted in phi.

Bionic Dog


I have come across several chess related ‘signs’ since this crop circle appeared. Since they are persistent, I write again. Not being a chess player I would like to throw out a few ideas related to chess from my brief study. Chess mavens may have some fun with this I hope. The ‘sign’ is H8. It is consistent with other contributors to the “Jubilee” crop circle. All chess moves seem quite relevant to the sacred geometry, numerology and collective consciousness discussed in so many crop circles this year.

1.     The three-position chess strategy: working with triple feminine energies, the trinity, family life energies as mother, father and children


2.     The fifty move rule: relates to the 50 year cycle in the Jubilee


The board in black & white has alpha/numeric labels, H8 being the upper right hand corner. Please also note the Byzantine Chess Board I discovered that may have some relevance to other crop circles. I’ve not seen this circular board before. The pieces are laid out north & south, assuming to gain control of west to east. (I’m presuming. Check it out for yourself.)


Chess Board  

In applying basic numerology to the chess board and I prefer to apply the simplest possible concepts, we have the following:

8 x 8 (H has equal value of #8 in Greek) = 64

6 = 6 sides of a complete cube

4 = a collective consciousness

6 + 4 = 10 = completion of a cycle

Assuming that 8 x 8 is a cube:

8 x 8 x 8 = 512

5 + 1 + 2 = 8

This is all about rebirth, especially about the collective consciousness.

This brings me to review the “Universal Laws” & their numerical order & value. 


The Law of Free Will. The law of free will operates in three ways.



Although many of the major events in your life are Astrologically predestined, you always have free will to mitigate the impact of the event, or to transcend it entirely. This will result from how you live your life up to the situation you have destined for yourself to experience. If you give grace and mercy to others, are positive, loving, compassionate, and demonstrate by your action that you have learned past lessons, you can minimize disharmonious experiences!



As you obtain Master of life awareness and develop conscious detachment, you will be far less affected by worldly events than in the past. A Master of Life enjoys all the warmth and joy that life has to offer, but detaches from the negativity by allowing it to flow through him without affecting him.




You always have free will in how you respond to any situation. If you respond with positive emotions, compassion and integrity, you have probably learned your karmic lessons and will not have to experience a similar situation in the future.


I now double check the Jungian archetype and it directs me to the Thoth deck. (My favorite!)

8. The Chariot. Most decks agree that the main symbol of this card is a chariot. Usually a charioteer is also shown. The theme is powerful deliberate motion toward a fixed goal and thus a victory over space. The card symbolism suggests the spiritual impulse which sooner or later will drive man to seek his true nature. In the Thoth deck the canopy of the Chariot is the blue of the feminine Sephirah, Binah. The pillars are the four pillars of the universe. The scarlet wheels are fiery creative energy. The Chariot is pulled by four sphinxes (the four Cherubs). The charioteer wears amber-colored armor and he holds a Holy Grail of amethyst. On his head is a crab, and on his armour are ten stars. This card represents Jung's persona. The imagery suggests the archetype of the warrior (Moore & Gillette, 1990/1991).


Now some things just dance in your head, sometimes for years on end until a point of discovery. My head dance is the Futterwacken in Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. The original has the Lobster Quadrille, but not the Futterwacken. My discovery:

At the tea party…

Cheshire Cat says “You used to do the best futterwacken in all wit’s end.”

Hatter says …”When the white queen once again wears the crown I will futterwacken vigorously.”

Curiouser & curiouser I say.

RE: “at wit’s end”; Psalm 107 v27

 27They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit's end.

Psalm 107 = 8 (rebirth)

Verse 27 = 9 (to begin the last chapter)

8 + 9 = 17, 1 + 7 = 8 (rebirth at the end of the last chapter)


Now, why the word futterwacken? My investigation from 3 sources of online translation: German to English


wacken = woke


futter = fodder & lining

wacken ~ to waken ~ pastures


futter: food, fodder, lining, coating

aufwacken: wake/ to wake


Possibilities: to wake, lift the veil, see through the lining / coating, have we been fodder throughout the lands? (Bantha fodder, perhaps young Skywalkers!)

Has the White Queen reached H8 or is it time for the Jubilee? Maybe both?

Hold on to your hat. Get ready to Futterwacken!



8.22.11 (a very good number!)


Checkmate > Checkmate


Esprit de corps: A shared spirit of comradeship.



Octave: The eighth of eight defensive positions in fencing.


In-Fighting is the pleasant name given to the mess that occurs when fencers come too close together. Although it is messy, in-fighting is an ultimately necessary part of any competitive foil or épée fencer’s metaphorical toolbox. Not only this, but starting an in-fight against a less well versed opponent can yield necessary touches.








In these quantum spaces void of time which knows no fate, Inertia holds reflection in thresholds on which to begin the race. Any space without time shall succumb in time to shed space and it is herein the atom's nucleus dictates. Particles flow and too collide in silence of an unseen force, her concave chamber a door once open sets our course. Here the lines run parallel for mean in flow the frequency, velocity and potential settles in line of the spectral harmony.

Now within confines of her unceasingly limited borders, we view two lines who now must cross in perpendicular of disorder. A point in the origin of fate where is gained new directive...knows checkmate and the professed foil now to be one subjective. Electromagnetic waves flush organizing quantum particles, respective of the order in gravity's last concentric circle. Photon beams of light are linear and drawn in of the momentum, magnetic pull in confined space supplies gravity's required energy essential.  

A pawn now this King whose distance will always be heard, as hydrogen from the sun diffuses with silence of the unspoken word. A message to those mortal to pay in full the peasants wage, a prize we win in sum as these quantum spaces merrily disengage. In view of the King's cup and sparkling shining ladle, lies reflect the secrets to that told in the fable. For the eye to peer the atom's convex surface or deflective frame, is a picture twice upright and the face is to match the name. But as we look from the inside out in profile of the other side, our perspectives change and the brain inverts concavities reflective ride. Inside the atom's centre is four times the right angled view, with height though upside down is brief of the nuclear preview. Light decides the incidence as entropy conforms to sight, now inversion sets reflection on the other side upright. A square confines each player within the game of life's sphere, Checkmate is never final in the circle after shadows disappear.

So it is, what the eye cannot see lays claim it does not exist. Then, is it not the mind that sees what is and is not there?



Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike